The Meaning and Tradition Behind the Cherry Blossom
The cherry blossom is the flower of spring for good reason. These beautiful flowers represent a time of renewal and the fleeting nature of life, as they don’t stay for long.
Each time you slip into your cherry blossom piece, remember that life works in cycles, remember to cherish the moment you’re in, and remember that beauty is all around you.
A Time of Renewal
The intention with the cherry blossom is to remind you throughout your day that renewal is always available to you. You can approach each moment with a new intention, a new dream, a new prayer.
These silk floral robes are perfect gifts for transition moments in life — the beginning or ending of a job, a wedding, a birth, or a gift for a big move.
Cherry Blossom & Crane Long Kimono Wrap
The Beauty You Can Find Amidst Change
We hope whether you’re slipping into your silk kimono robe or plus size kimono robe, you feel connected to the spirit of the cherry blossom: the idea that you are always evolving, that this too shall pass, and that you can bring something new to each and every moment you encounter.