Finding Wellness Online and At Home with Five Incredible Wellness Experts

Posted by Renee & Tiffany on

At KIM+ONO, we’ve always believed wellness to be an integral part of a person’s life. Wellbeing isn’t something we believe should be reserved for special moments or some time when life slows down and things become easier. We believe that wellness should exist in everyday moments and that the small, seemingly insignificant moments, are in fact the special moments we should invest in the most. 

Washable Silk Kiku Kimono Robe
Photo by Maria Del Rio

That’s part of the reason we created beautiful kimono robes for every woman, man, and person to feel a sense of wellness each time you slip into your favorite piece. We’ve chosen kimono fabrics that bring a heightened sense of comfort and calm to the wearer and we’ve brought the different parts of a kimono from traditional Japanese culture into modern day kimono robes you can wear throughout your whole life. We created our kimono store with our community in mind, as a place to gather with like-minded people and serve as a wellness hub for our San Francisco community. We try to express that ethos and mindset in every email, every note, and every message we put out into the world.

Maren Kimono Wrap
Photo by Maria Del Rio

All of these things are examples of the way we’ve focused on bringing wellness to our community through our tiny corner of the world. But as we do a deeper dive into what drives us, what we care most about, and how best to serve our community, we have found that wellness is beyond simply the moments of self care that you take each day (even though, those are very important!). As we’ve all experienced during this very challenging year, wellness means so much more than a calm moment here or there. It’s an ongoing practice, it can be incredibly difficult if we’ve undergone any kind of collective or individual trauma, and it takes time to find out what works best for you. Our personal wellness is also an important aspect in bringing our collective community forward together. 

So today in the journal, we’re doing a deep dive into the wellness practices and practitioners who we are currently learning from. They are folks who have built practices and businesses that center a holistic vision of wellness that is inclusive, give you practical tools to find what works for you, and connects you to the bigger picture so you can have a sustained and consistent wellness practice throughout your whole life.

Coral Chrysanthemum Kimono Robe
Photo by Angie Silvy
What does Wellness Mean?

According to the dictionary, wellness means “the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.” Good health can mean many things, from a healthy physical life to a healthy mental life. Although wellness can be portrayed by brands and businesses as something unattainable, we believe that true wellness is for everyone. It’s not a one size fits all prescription, but rather something that enlivens us and takes care of us on every level, from our physical to our mental to our emotional wellbeing. To us, wellness means that you feel whole.

A Round Up of Wellness Practitioners and Entrepreneurs

With that definition in mind, our team has been learning from and getting inspired by this group of folks ranging from wellness practitioners to entrepreneurs. They are women who have centered wellness in their work and make it accessible to everyone. During this challenging time while we’re staying home, looking to the future with some uncertainty, and trying to find new ways to be well, we hope these incredible women help you find wellness in every aspect of your life.

Dr. Tiffany Lester
Photo by @drtiffanylester
Dr. Tiffany Lester: A Doctor, Writer, Creator, Thinker

Dr. Tiffany Lester is a functional medicine physician with Parsley Health and has an integrative and holistic approach to patients’ physical wellbeing. She began her practice of medicine by asking herself the questions, “What about the effects of a poor diet on disease? What about high stress levels? What happens when you exhaust all your conventional medicine resources and you're still sick?” Her answers to those questions and her #tinydoses of medicinal wisdom through her Instagram account are a great way to center your physical health in your wellness practice. Dr. Lester works with patients one-on-one and she says, “For those people who can't afford to see me in person, I hope you find value in the other work I am putting out to the world.” You can find out more about all of Dr. Lester’s work here.

Allison Tibbs
Photo via @allisontibbs by photographer @
Allison Tibbs: Health Coach and Personal Trainer in San Francisco

We’re so excited to share the work of Allison Tibbs, a health coach and personal trainer located right here in San Francisco! Allison works on not just the what but the why behind your wellness. Through her inspirational and motivational Instagram account, she says “As you embark on your journey to get healthier and change your body, remember that the real transformation happens on the inside.” We love this approach because it’s not a one-size-fits all prescription for exercise and physical health, but rather Allison helps you connect with your why to build the right plan for you. To connect with Allison, check out her IG feed and book a class!

Lauren Ash
Photo via @laurenash and photographer @goldentimetay
Lauren Ash: Meditation Teacher and Founder of Black Girl in Om

Meditation and journaling are two things we find incredibly grounding at any time in life, but especially during this year! If you haven’t tried meditation or journaling workshops before, we highly recommend Lauren Ash. From her Instagram account, she says, “I wouldn’t dream of navigating this season without:⁣ an awareness of how powerful I am, deep breaths in and even deeper exhales⁣, Spirit centered practices that keep me rooted in the Power that keeps me, loves me and guides my daily life⁣, active exploration of the lineage from which I am sourced ⁣, my journal, my fiercely protected consciousness, and a good pen.” Check out her offerings for group and one-on-one work, as well as her podcast here.⁣

Rachel Bussey
Photo by @kushyy_
Rachel Bussey: Plant Based Chef and Founder of Messy Bun Kitchen

Eating is an integral part of our health, and Rachel Bussey is on a “mission to provide healthy, flavorful, rewarding recipes that ignite all of your senses beyond just tasting. I want you to breathe in the flavors, visualize new textures and possibilities, feel amazing, and lastly but most importantly tap into and listen to your body thanking you.” Finding recipes you can love and easily create at home is essential during a challenging year like this one. Follow Rachel and her inspired, delicious and healthy recipes over at Messy Bun Kitchen and on Instagram.

Phyllicia Bonanno
Photo via @phyllicia.bonanno and photographer @ljbnyc1 ⁣
Phyllicia Bonanno: Yoga Teacher and Founder of Sisters of Yoga

Movement is essential to feeling good. We only have one body and moving it in a way that makes us feel good and strong is a deep part of our wellness practice. Phyllicia advises via her Instagram feed, “Physical and mental wellness are always a priority. If you are not balanced it will reflect in every part of your life.” Phyllicia isn’t just an incredible yoga teacher, but an inspiring entrepreneur as the co-founder and CMO of Sisters of Yoga. From her feed, she says that “with Sisters of Yoga, you are reminded that there is power in sisterhood. You are reminded of the sacredness of sisterhood. You are reminded that your sister is not your enemy, but in fact she is your strength, your support, your guide, and your reflection. SHE IS YOU!⁣⁣⁣⁣” If you’ve followed us for any amount of time, you know this absolutely resonated with us, as KIM+ONO was co-founded by sisters Renee and Tiffany Tam. It’s this kind of connection and community that Phyllicia is creating that we know is central to our entire world moving forward in healing. Find all the ways to connect with and learn more about Phyllicia’s work here.

These are just a few of the amazing women we’ve been guided by through this challenging year. We hope you practice moments of self care and wellbeing in the small and big moments alike and that this small roundup of powerful voices in the wellness industry can help you bring a little more peace and wholeness to your every day.

Business Heritage Wellness Women

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