Sharing Personal Notes of Gratitude this Holiday Season

Posted by Renee & Tiffany on

Family has always been the common thread in everything we do. You may already know that KIM+ONO was co-founded by sisters Renee and Tiffany Tam; they started their online shop and kimono store with family at the heart of their mission, from the story they weave into each design, to the family business they have made into their own vision, family is truly the foundation of every facet of our business. So this year, when our worlds have been rocked and being with family has been harder and more challenging than ever, we wanted to extend a bit of joy and gratitude as we come into the holiday season.

While it’s easy to find reasons to be disappointed and it can be a painful time of year for folks regardless of this year’s particular challenges, at KIM+ONO, we know that gratitude is essential to well-being. Finding the reasons to be grateful can grant the tiniest bit of relief in an overwhelming time. Additionally, our team is so grateful to you, lovely, for sticking with us through this year, supporting us, supporting each other, and uplifting us with your kind and thoughtful words. They are read, shared, and so very cherished by our team. So while this year has been a difficult one for absolutely everyone, we wanted to share our personal notes of gratitude from the members of our small team, to hopefully uplift you and serve as a reminder that good days are ahead.

Maren Kimono Wrap
Photo by Maria Del Rio
We are so grateful for health.

Our KIM+ONO processing team has been working tirelessly to ship out orders and send you the silk robes that bring you a little comfort and joy every day. And during this time, we’ve implemented strict protocols, including social distancing and protective wear, as recommended by health officials to keep you and our processing team safe. Health is on everyone’s mind, as our team member Gloria notes: “This year, I'm most grateful for everyone being healthy and corona free. And gradually gaining new work experiences and simultaneously clearing courses toward my Bachelor’s degree brings me hope.” 

Marina, also working on our processing team to ship out your beautiful floral kimono robe gifts says, “This year, I'm most grateful for all my friends and families being safe during COVID-19, and I feel lucky that I can still have a job during this difficult time. I’m also grateful to my husband, who is there for me — to cook, to care and give me support.”

Doris, who is one of our amazing associates at the KIM+ONO brick and mortar kimono store in Chinatown, SF, agrees. She says, “This year, I am most grateful for being well and safe. What's more? Also, I’m so grateful for being able to keep my job at this difficult time.” Ivy from our store team agrees, “I'm most grateful for having a job during the pandemic, and no one I know has gotten sick with this virus.”

Peony & Butterfly Kimono Robe
Photo by Jennifer Skog
We are grateful for our homes.

While stay at home orders may be weighing on our inherent desire to get out and explore, see new places, and meet up with friends, our homes have also become a haven this year. For Will, part of our Customer Experience team, the little things around his apartment bring him a sense of comfort and joy. He’s grateful for “All 40 candles burning in my living room at any given time, and the batteries in my fire alarm.  And watching my dog ritualistically take inventory of every toy in the toy basket bring me joy every single day."

Silk Kiku Kimono Robe
Photo by Miranda Taylor De Lay
We are grateful for calming practices.

When Tiffany and Renee started KIM+ONO, they knew they wanted the kimono fabric you wear to bring you a sense of comfort and joy, to add a little luxury to you everyday, each and every time you slipped into your favorite floral kimono robe. Those calming moments are so essential to instilling a deep breath during a difficult time. For co-founder Tiffany, she’s finding joy every day by “Caring for my new babies...plants! Although this has been a very difficult year, I've turned my black thumb into a green one and have learned a new appreciation for plants. Every morning I look forward to my routine of caring and nurturing them. It's very therapeutic for me, and brings me lots of joy watching them grow. They have turned my home into a beautiful oasis, and with every deep breath of fresh air that I take, I feel a sense of calmness that makes me happy.”

Women's Kimono Robe
Photo by @thelisacoe
We are grateful for our children.

At KIM+ONO, many of us have small children running around. It’s part of the reason we made Washable SIlk Robes! We know that life gets hectic and busy and sometimes a little messy. But this year, as we’re working from home, teaching our kids from home, and generally staying at home, we are remembering how sweet these days with our young ones are, and continue to be deeply grateful for all of these moments. Sonja, who heads up online operations, says, “What brings me joy every day this year is the ability to spend extra time with my children (even though it can be chaotic at times when we're all confined at home). They drive me forward each and every day. Looking at them makes me want to do better, if only to let them know they are worthy of great things in life.” Brent, who heads up logistics, agrees, “My daughter Tessa brings me joy every day and family time has been a bright light all year.” Courtney, part of the social media and project management team says, “Seeing my daughter’s spirit refuse to be dimmed by the limitations of this year brings me so much joy. She is unshakable in her wonder. And she reminds me that being able to love each other every single day is an amazing gift.”

Peony & Butterfly Kimono Robe
Photo by Maria Del Rio
We are grateful for our freedoms.

We recognize how incredibly lucky we are to live in a country where we are continually fighting for justice and peace. We have been deeply moved by the inclusive, equitable, and justice-centered energy of our customers, and feel so grateful to have gotten the chance to reaffirm our values as a company and uplift and amplify every voice. Tina, the amazing artist behind our graphic designs, was especially grateful this year for the freedom to vote. “In the light of the pandemic and recent current events, I know this year has been a whirlwind of emotions and dividedness. However, this is also the year I voted for the first time and being an Asian American woman (a demographic with the lowest turnout in elections), I learned to be grateful to have the opportunity to vote and make it count. Better now than never. It's the unity of the people that brings me hope in these times. There's a lot of work ahead, but through open conversations and empathy, I'm hopeful that we can get through this — together.”

Silk Kiku Kimono Robe
Photo by Maria Del Rio
We are grateful for each other and you.

Co-founder Renee says, “This year I’m so grateful for having the most amazing team I could ever dream of to run KIM+ONO together. Even with the hardships, everyone continued to give their 110%. There's so much love and care nourishing KIM+ONO's growth.” 

And we are so grateful for you, lovely. Your continued support of our small team and of each other means so much to us. We are constantly inspired by your kindness, your generosity, and your spirit. Thank you for being part of our journey this year, we hope each and every floral kimono robe you’ve slipped into while staying at home has brought you happiness and made you feel like the queen you are.

Holiday Gifting Kimono Style Wellness Women's Kimono

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