How to Bring a Little Extra Fun into Your Week

Posted by Renee & Tiffany on

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With the rhythm of work, family, and everyday obligations, it’s all too easy to forget that life isn’t just about making it from one event to the next. There’s more to it than that — fun, enjoyment, pleasure, delight. Carving out time for a bit of fun isn’t just about letting loose. It’s a form of self care helping us feel recharged, joyful, and more connected to ourselves and others. Bringing that sense of playfulness into your week can turn the ordinary into something extraordinary, allowing you to savor moments that often slip by. So today in the journal, we’ll explore a few delightful ways to add simple fun to your days. Whether you’re wrapped up in the comfort of one of our ladies silk robes or taking inspiration from the most childlike ones around you, here’s how to find and add fun to your week.

Washable Silk Jia Kimono Robe
Photo by Stephanie Russo
Look to Children for Ideas and Inspiration

Children have an instinctual ability to find joy in the seemingly simplest of things. They ask “why” and “how,” following curiosity and transforming it into an adventure. Take a page out of their book and approach your week with a similar curiosity. See the world around you with fresh eyes. One way to embrace a little more wonder is to set an intentional time to let your mind wander without trying to solve, fix, or do anything at all. Sit outside in a cozy chair wearing your beautiful floral kimono robe, and watch the clouds drift by. This playful perspective can be surprisingly comforting and infuse your day with a sense of lightheartedness and fun self care.

Allow Yourself to Ask Questions Without Knowing the Answer

One of the joys of childhood — and adulthood, if we allow it — is seeking answers without needing to find the answers. Take some time this week to wonder about things without rushing to look up the answers on your phone or computer. Letting your thoughts drift without needing to tie a bow on them encourages an openness that can be both relaxing and fun. It’s a practice that gives your brain a rest from structured thinking and planning, and ultimately infuses more creativity into your thinking. The next time you slip into your favorite plus size women's robe for an evening of relaxation, take a few minutes to journal by asking more questions than you can answer. You might be surprised by how liberating it feels to simply wonder without needing to know.

Washable Silk Kiku Kimono Robe
Photo by Ashley Streff
Get Wrapped Up in a Song

Few things lift the human spirit like hearing music we love. Put on your favorite song or maybe a new one you’ve been meaning to check out, and let yourself become fully immersed in it like a child would. Dance around, sing at the top of your lungs, or just close your eyes and listen deeply. Moving along to the beat or just basking in the melody can be an instant mood-lifter. Make it a full experience by wrapping yourself in one of our fan favorite kimono wraps for a luxurious feel that complements the comfort of the music. Music has a magical way of freeing us, even if only for a few minutes, and the intention of pairing good music with a luxurious kimono wrap can elevate the everyday into transformative self care.

Silk Keina Kimono Robe
Photo by Stephanie Russo
Savor What You’re Eating

Meals are such a basic part of the day that they often get rushed or overlooked. But the act of eating is one of the most sensory (and nourishing) experiences we have on a daily basis. It’s a great ritualistic way to bring more fun into daily life. This week, try slowing down and tasting every bite. Notice the textures, flavors, and aromas, letting yourself fully enjoy the experience. Wearing one of our ladies silk robes while enjoying a delicious meal or a little treat makes it all feel a bit more indulgent. 

Dig Into Your Senses

Fun doesn’t have to mean excitement only — it can also mean being fully present to the richness of life. Kids are so good at this. They see the world as a wonderful, unusual, surprising place. Take some time to consciously connect with your senses and dig into the richness all around you. Whether it’s feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, walking barefoot on cool grass, or slipping into a luxurious fashion kimono robe that feels light and silky against your skin, tuning into your senses can elevate even the simplest activities.

Aimi Kimono Robe
Photo by Ashley Streff
Express Your Feelings

Children are excellent communicators. Whether they know it or not, they’re often communicating how they feel under the surface. And one of the most freeing things you can do to take care of yourself is to let your feelings come and go without any reservations. As adults, we often hold back our joy, sadness, frustration, or excitement, especially in our everyday routines. But expressing what you feel can actually be a fun, therapeutic release. There is an element of stress relief that comes from allowing your emotions to pass through you, so even crying can actually sort of feel good! Try wearing a comforting floral kimono robe and express your feelings in a journal or create something artistic. Expressing your feelings is a way of embracing who you are in the moment, and it’s a great reminder that being yourself and being true to yourself, just as children are, is an important part of self care.

Make Room for Rituals

Incorporate small, playful rituals into your routine that add a spark to your day. This could mean having a “Friday night fancy robe dinner” at home where you dress up in your favorite ladies silk robes and enjoy a delicious homemade meal or takeout in style. Or try an evening skincare ritual using luxurious products while wearing a plus size women’s robe, indulging in each moment as a celebration of yourself. These small, enjoyable rituals make your day-to-day a little less predictable and a lot more fun. 

Fun is essential, not just as a nice-to-have, but as a part of self care. When we make space for enjoyment and playfulness, we invite more light and joy into our lives, balance our responsibilities, and reconnect with the world, ourselves, and the little things that make life feel just a bit more special. We hope you add these fun self care ideas to your week!

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