5 Ways to Reconnect with Your Inner Circle

Posted by Renee & Tiffany on

If you’ve ever played phone tag with the friends you love the most, then you know no matter how important your friends are, it’s easy to lose track of relationships when life gets so busy. Between work, family obligations, and personal commitments, it’s easy to put friendships on the back burner. But when you start feeling the weight of burnout, there’s truly no better relief than reconnecting with the people who love you the most. So as the fall season and school routine drives your everyday, it’s important to get intentional about nurturing your inner circle. Here are five fun and fulfilling ways to do just that — whether it’s for a quick catch-up or a more immersive experience with your favorite people, these ways to reconnect will fill you up and help relieve any stress of the season.

Maren Kimono Robe
Photo by Miranda Tillinghast
Host a Grown-Up Sleepover

Who says sleepovers are just for kids? A grown-up sleepover is a novel way to create beautiful and meaningful memories with your inner circle. You can make it as cozy or as glamorous as you like, whether you’re indulging in a full spa night or simply lounging in your favorite ladies silk robes like the decadent wealthy auntie archetypes you strive to be! Everyone can bring their own favorite indulgences — anything from gua sha tools, nail polish, and maybe even some wine or mocktails. Set the sleepover scene with soft blankets, your best floral silk robe, and mood lighting for the ultimate cozy vibe. You could even pull out nostalgic games, like card games or board games, to add a playful element to the night. And of course, stay up late talking about life and watching your favorite rom coms — just like you used to do.

This low-pressure event is all about connecting and unwinding together. By the end of the evening, you’ll be reminded of how much laughter and deep conversations can revive your soul. Don’t forget to take a group photo in your matching kimono wraps because who doesn’t love a themed sleepover that’s truly Instagram-worthy?

Limited Edition Handpainted Silk Collection
Photo by Ashley Streff
Go on a Brunch Stroll

Brunch is already a great way to gather friends, but why not make it a bit more special? Transform the standard pub crawl into a brunch stroll, making it sophisticated yet tons of fun. Choose a favorite café or restaurant for brunch, and after your delicious meal, head out for a leisurely walk. It’s a fantastic way to extend the time you have together and soak up some fresh air while continuing your conversations. You can grab a coffee at the local coffee shop, then explore a local park, a scenic neighborhood, or even an area with interesting shops and galleries. The relaxed pace of a stroll offers plenty of opportunity for connection, and it’s a great way to catch up on life without the rush of needing to get back to work or family right away.

Make it even more meaningful by pairing one of your favorite dusters for women with comfortable denim. The loose, flowing fabric is perfect for a day spent walking and chatting with friends. Plus, it’ll give you a chic, effortless look that matches the vibe of a laid-back brunch stroll.

Washable Silk Kiku Kimono Robe

Photo by Maria Del Rio
Run Errands Together

Running errands can often feel like a chore, but with a friend by your side, it becomes a fun and productive way to spend time together. Whether you’re grocery shopping, picking up a prescription, or doing a Target run, you’ll be surprised at how much more enjoyable it is with your inner circle in tow. The best part? You get to bond over the little moments. Chatting in the car, browsing aisles together, and swapping tips on which products you swear by can all make for a surprisingly fulfilling experience. It’s a chance to catch up while also checking off your to-do list. The next time you have errands to run, invite a friend along. You could even turn it into a mini adventure by rewarding yourselves with coffee or smoothies afterward. Slip into a ladies silk robe over leggings before you head out for a day of elegant comfort to keep you feeling stylish yet relaxed throughout the day.

Washable Silk Kiku Kimono Robe

Photo by Ashley Streff
Make Dinner Together

Cooking together is a great way to connect on a deeper level. Whether you’re sharing recipes, trying something new, or just chopping vegetables side by side, making dinner together provides a shared activity that feels both intentional and fun. It’s also a chance to slow down and savor the process, rather than just rushing through it. Plan a casual dinner party where everyone brings a dish to contribute, or better yet, cook the entire meal from scratch together. You can divide tasks—someone handles the main course, while others whip up appetizers, side dishes, or dessert. And of course, don’t forget to pour some wine (or sparkling water!) while you chat and cook.Set the mood with some soft music, and slip into your kimono wrap or floral silk robe for an extra layer of relaxation while you prepare the meal. After the food is ready, sit down to enjoy it together, and relish the satisfaction of having created something delicious as a team.



Limited Edition Handpainted Silk Kimono Robe


Photo by Ashley Streff
Do Holiday Shopping Together

Holiday shopping can sometimes feel overwhelming, but when you turn it into a group activity with your closest friends, it becomes much more enjoyable. Whether you’re hitting up your favorite local kimono store or opening up your computer browser, doing it together can take the stress out of finding the perfect gifts for loved ones. Before you hit the stores, make a list of what you’re looking for, then grab your friends and make a day of it. You can shop, chat, and offer each other advice on what to buy, making the experience far more relaxed than going solo. Plus, your friends can help you stay on track with your budget—or help you commit to that long floral silk robe you’ve been eyeing for yourself because you deserve it! After a few hours of shopping, treat yourselves to a coffee break or an impromptu lunch to refuel. You’ll leave the day not only with bags full of gifts, but with the satisfaction of having spent quality time with your friends.

As life gets busier, it’s easy to let friendships fall to the wayside. But finding meaningful ways to reconnect with your inner circle is one of the best ways to recharge and stay grounded. So, grab your inner circle and make time for the moments that truly matter.

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