Making New Traditions by Honoring Old Ones

Posted by Renee & Tiffany on

If you’ve followed our brand for even a short amount of time, then you know how important tradition is to us here at KIM+ONO. Our founders’ families’ heritage and history are woven into each and every kimono style. So we know that in this past year, when everything was upended, you too may have had your traditions upended. The things that you relied on for self care, to help ground you and center you, or even just the fulcrum of your annual calendar, were all temporarily dissolved. To add onto that, you then underwent a year of transformation in big and small ways, and came out the other side perhaps feeling disconnected from those traditions you missed for a year. That’s why today in the journal, we’re taking a deeper look at traditions and self care routines, assessing why they’re important, and how to reshape them to fit into the You that you are right now. Just because you’ve changed, doesn’t mean you can’t bring along the past. So today we’re sharing how to make new traditions that suit you today, while still honoring the old ones that brought you here.

Plus Size Washable Silk Peony & Butterfly Kimono Robe
Photo by Maria Del Rio
Why a Self Care Practice is Important

Self care is certainly a buzzy word in the wellness space. It’s used so much it can kind of lose its meaning. But when we talk about self care, what we’re talking about is really creating practices that help you feel sustained, grounded, and taken care of in the way that feeds your well-being. A self care practice should look different for everyone because it should be based on your unique intuition of what you need. Perhaps for you, slipping into your black kimono robe gives you all the self care you need to come back into the present moment with your body. Maybe you’re someone who needs to go on a vacation or quick trip every couple of weeks to feel connected to the world because connection feeds you. Whatever it is, your self care practice is going to sustain you and refill your well. While you can burn the candle at both ends, and try to be everything to everyone, you will find so much more success if you’re able to balance all of that with a self care practice that reminds you of the queen you are. It’s not an extra thing to do, it is vital to your own vitality.

Plus Size Silk Kuren Kimono Robe
Photo by Maria Del Rio
Evolving Your Self Care Practice

Part of what can be tricky is that as you evolve, your needs will evolve, too. This means that maybe what worked for you last year to feel grounded and centered, will not work for you this year. And that’s okay! In fact, that’s the fun of it. You get to change and your self care practice gets to respond. If you had a tough time the last fifteen months or so, we understand. You may not feel ready to jump back into life, or the activities that used to come naturally to you may take much more energy from your resources. All of that makes sense. Perhaps the traditions and practices that used to work for you don’t really work for you anymore. That makes sense, too! Remember that an evolution of your self care practice is reflecting your own evolution, which is a good thing. So as you’re diving back into the world this year, here are some self care practices and twists on tradition that might help you see how to create new traditions for yourself that ground you and center you when you need it most.

Maren Kimono Wrap
Photo by Maria Del Rio
Find Your Energy

If finding your energy usually included a night out on the town with friends or going out to eat at a restaurant, even when it’s safe to do so, you might still feel a little apprehensive. Take the old tradition and create a new one: grab your favorite to-go food that you fell in love with last year, and head out for an outdoor picnic with friends. Make it special by dressing up in your favorite black kimono wrap and find the perfect spot to eat outside, build up your energy with food and friends, and still feel grounded in your own comfort levels.

Handpainted Silk Cherry Blossom Kimono Robe
Photo by Angie Silvy
To Feel Creative

Perhaps you were an avid concert-goer pre-pandemic. While we are so excited for concerts and live performances to come back, we also understand if you feel slightly overwhelmed by the prospect. If getting out in a large crowd and listening to music got you in touch with your creative side, ramp up to a concert by having an intentional musical evening at home. Drape yourself in a silk black floral kimono robe, throw your favorite record on the player, and do nothing but listen. Put away the phone, put away the screens, and let the music transport you into a creative space. Make this a Friday night tradition while you’re at it! And when you’re ready to get back to the concert scene, keep this new tradition in your back pocket for when tickets sell out!

Peony & Butterfly Kimono Robe
Photo by Vanessa Hellman
To Feel Unstuck

Maybe your self care practice and tradition when feeling stuck was to throw yourself in the center of it all — go for a walk or go out for dinner or take a walk in a busy neighborhood in your area. Maybe that movement, hustle, and bustle helped jostle you from feeling stuck. And though you might still feel unstuck, you may not want to put yourself in the center of it all just yet. Make a new tradition. Instead of moving, try grounding. Put your feet in the grass or dirt around your house. Or even slip into your silky white kimono cardigan and simply feel your feet on the floor. Stack your spine, unclench your jaw, open up your shoulders, and just breathe. Maybe you even make a new tradition to do this exercise before going out and getting in the thick of it all. Use what worked in the past to create something new for the future. 

However your intuition guides you to practice self care, remember it’s okay if your needs have changed. You don’t have to give up on the past to bring in the new. Honor the traditions you used to lean on, and cull from them the parts you want to keep as you start new traditions and bring more of a self care practice into your every day. Be well, lovely, you deserve it.

Creative Process Heritage Wellness Women's Kimono

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