5 Ways to Make the Most Out of the Last Days of Summer

Posted by Renee & Tiffany on

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Summer is easily the most whimsical season. It’s full of parties and vacations, it’s a little slower and more relaxed. The heat (in the northern hemisphere at least) makes everyone move with a little less frenzy and it’s so fun to luxuriate in all the things that slow us down and bring us pleasure. The backyard barbecues, the beach trips, the family vacations, and the lack of a routine are just what we need to disconnect from busy and reconnect to what inspires us the most.

And while we may not want to admit that summer is coming to a close, if we look at the calendar, we know that hot, lazy summer days are about to turn into the hustle and bustle of a new season and school year. But that doesn’t mean we’re giving up yet! At KIM+ONO, we’re the eternal (summer) optimists and know that with the right intentions, we can get the most out of these last summer days. Whether it’s bringing a mindful practice to the ways that summer naturally changes our rhythms, or making an effort to see our friends and family for one more celebration, here are five ways to enjoy the last days of summer and bring a little extra summer luxury to these final weeks before fall. Try these end of summer activities today.

Silk Keina Kimono Robe
Photo by @ashleystreff and @socialwellcreative
Remind Yourself to Go Slow Each Morning

One of the things summer naturally does for us is to remind us to slow down. Perhaps it’s the heat, or maybe just the lack of school-inspired routines, but changing our tempos is one beautiful gift the summer season gives us. So make the most out of your summer and set a morning routine that you can bring into fall. Whether you slip into your silk kimono robe and meditate, brew your favorite cup of green tea or coffee, or call your mom just to check in before you hop on social media and start scrolling, creating a slower morning routine is one way to luxuriate in your summer vibe. Sometimes just the feeling of a silk kimono robe is enough to remind you to go slow, feel with your senses, and give up being in a rush to the next thing.

Silk Keina Kimono Robe
Photo by @ashleystreff and @socialwellcreative
Set Your Intentions Every Day

Another way to get the most out of these last days of summer is to set your intentions at the start of each day or the end of each night. It seems like a little thing, but it can be a powerful tool when used to your advantage. Setting your intentions allows you to be conscious of what you’re choosing to do each day. If you haven’t been able to hit the best parts of your summer bucket list yet, setting intentions for the next day before you hit the pillow, or getting up first thing and writing down your intentions for the day is one way to make sure you don’t miss out on what’s important. Whether it’s hitting the local zoo with your family or taking that weekend beach trip with the girls, don’t miss out on making the most of these last weeks. We made our silk robes for women just for these moments — slip into your favorite silk kimono robe, write down your intentions, and bring some intentionality to the way you move from one season to the next.

Washable Silk Jia Kimono Robe
Photo by @ashleystreff and @socialwellcreative
Check In With the Ones You Love

Well it may seem obvious, and it certainly isn’t just a summer thing, but checking in with our friends and family is one of our favorite ways to round out the summer vacation season. Maybe you meant to get together, and you’ve got one last weekend to see it through. Or maybe you haven’t seen extended family since earlier in the summer. Reconnecting with the ones you love is an easy way to feel joy. And while you still have vacation time, get your best friends together for a little mini vacation or even staycation! Hit up a local hotel, slip into your matching long kimono robes, and lounge by the pool while you’re still taking a few vacation days and Summer Fridays here and there. Make connection a focal point of the summer season for no regrets as it turns to fall.

Silk Kiku Kimono Robe
Photo by @ashleystreff and @socialwellcreative
Don’t Wait For a Special Occasion

At KIM+ONO, it really doesn’t matter what season it is — we always want you to make the most of every moment. And one way to bring extra meaning to your last few summer days is with your summer wardrobe. Don’t wait to slip into your favorite women’s duster robe as a way to spruce up your daily outfits. Wear those summer dresses you haven’t pulled out of your closet yet. Slide into your favorite pair of strappy heels, even if you’re just strolling around your house. Summer is all about whimsy and fun, and your outfits can be an expression of that. We love a women’s duster robe to uplevel any look from rompers to a t-shirt and jeans, but truly the best style is the one that makes you feel like the confident beauty you are.

Maren Kimono Robe
Photo by @ashleystreff and @socialwellcreative
Connect to Water and Nature

It may be the most obvious piece of advice, but if you haven’t connected with nature during the summer time, now’s the time! While the weather is warmer and there are more options to roam, get outside on a hike or even just swim in the local pool. Connecting to nature and water is a way to rejuvenate your outlook and keep you feeling grounded. Make meaning out of the moment by wearing your long kimono robes as a poolside or beachside cover up. Find a hike close to home or simply commit to spending more time reading outdoors during the week. Don’t neglect how good the sunshine can make you feel, and carry that with you throughout the fall.

No matter how you round out these last few beautiful summer days, we hope you find some luxury to lounge in and take it slow. Slip into your favorite women’s duster robe, sip a summer cocktail or mocktail, and let yourself rest in the sunshine before the seasons change.

Kimono Wrap Silk Kimono Robes Summer Streetwear Vacation Style

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