New Traditions for a New Normal

Posted by Renee & Tiffany on

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There are many things folks disagree on these days, but the one thing we can all agree on is that life has been looking different lately. With people working from home, kids learning remotely, and travel feeling out of bounds for most, the “normal” annual events that mark our traditions have been changed right before our eyes. 

And why are traditions important? Tradition is something that keeps us grounded in history while looking to the future. They can be the common thread that makes us feel at home during difficult times. Traditions, whether big or small, can anchor us in a sense of groundedness and calm, they can make us feel like we’re standing on solid ground. Traditions can breathe life and excitement into our calendars, and a sense of connection into our souls. So what should we do during these challenging times when even our traditions feel a little of whack? Make new ones, of course. Making a new tradition doesn’t mean that you’ll give up your old traditions forever. But during this time, when we are restricted from seeing friends and family, and many of us are staying home or choosing not to travel, it’s important to bring a sense of calm and connection whenever we can. So today in the journal, we’re suggesting a few ideas of how to make new traditions, and to remind you that we will get through this together.

Peony & Bird Kimono Robe
Photo by Delbarr Moradi
Make At Least One Work Day Special Each Week

Remember Summer Fridays? Remember those special work days when the team would leave the office early, or you’d get to wear jeans, or there was some other fun weekly event that made you feel connected with your co-workers? Well, if you’re like many folks working from home, those are just some work culture traditions you may be missing out on during this challenging time. So our suggestion is to create a new work from home tradition! You could each wear your favorite modern kimono robe on Mondays, or do a Zoom toast at the end of the work day on Friday, or have a coffee pick-me-up date with your work BFF every Wednesday afternoon. Find some way to bring a little levity into the workweek, even as you work from home.

KIM+ONO Kimono Robe
Photo by @happilyeverafter_sf
Make Normal Moments, Special Moments

If you’re anything like us, in order to manage work and family during this time you’re drinking a lot of coffee! So make your coffee time a special time. Even these small moments can be made richer by creating a tradition around it. Slip into your silk kimono robe, make coffee with your favorite method, whether it’s a Keurig, a big pot, or a French press, and carve out some time to sip slowly and start your day with intention. You can make it a tradition to listen to your favorite music, or sit in your favorite chair — do the things that make you feel cozy and at home and to fill your senses with the feelings that give you a sense of peace.

Handpainted Silk Cherry Blossom Kimono Robe
Photo by @meljasimie
Give Yourself Momentary Breaks for Peace

No matter what you’re doing, whether you’re working from home or you’re an essential worker, you live alone or with kids, it’s important to give yourself a break. While that may have not been a moment of tradition in the past, these days, taking a break can be incredibly rewarding. Find the things that fill your soul and give yourself five minutes each day (or better yet, five minutes each hour!) to just breathe and be. Slip into kimono fabric that makes you feel beautiful and sit outside in the sun. Or take a walk around the block and stretch your legs. Or light a candle and burn some sage to give your space an extra fresh scent. Any of these things can be a little tradition that you do every day to bring a sense of wellness and calm.

Silk Kiku Kimono Robe
Photo by Miranda De Lay
Create a Nightly Tradition to Take Care of Yourself 

One of the traditions that may be easiest to make is what you do right before bed. Hopefully right before you’re going to sleep, you’ll have a chance to craft a tradition that brings you peace and comfort before getting your Zs. Whether you treat yourself to a lounging in your silk kimono robe, or use your facial roller to give your skin a little extra love, or listen to music and light some candles as you put things away from the day, these little elements will bring a sense of ease before sleep. A small tradition that’s just for you at the end of the day is one sure way you can bring a little bit of self care your way every day.

Silk Kuren Kimono Robe
Photo by Maria Del Rio
Bring Meaning to Every Moment

Starting a new tradition can be just as easy as learning something new or picking up a hobby that brings you peace. If you pick up a new hobby like knitting, learning origami, gardening, or something else, elevate the experience by weaving meaningful symbols into these new activities. We do this each and every time we craft a kimono robe! Many of our robes feature romantic, tranquil scenes of timeless botanicals that bear significance. For example, the lotus flower symbolizes good luck and fortune, a sentiment we wish to share with our customers and something that brings a whole new level to the kimono meaning. Bring new traditions into your life that allow you to give yourself a sense of peace while reaffirming the wishes you have for each and every day.

No matter what life has brought your way this year, we know it’s been a whirlwind. While each of our individual stories may be different, we have always been and will continue to be in this together. Find ways to bring a little intention and love to your every day, even in the smallest and simplest moments. We hope that our online community can make you feel connected to each other, and that your favorite modern kimono robe can be a gentle reminder that new traditions can be made every single day.

Handpainted Heritage Silk Kimono Robes Wellness

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