The Upgraded Family Fall Vacation

Posted by Renee & Tiffany on

Let’s be real for a moment. With everyone heading back to school and getting into the autumn routine at work, you may not be thinking about a family vacation right now. And that makes sense! Typically, you’re booking out your family vacations for summer or spring break or even winter break after the holidays. Beach trips, theme parks, outdoor sunny climate adventures are the go-to destinations for a lot of family fun. But allow us to suggest something somewhat controversial: fall is a perfect time to get away. Not just fall, but, particularly October presents a unique opportunity for a family trip that’s a bit quieter, more reflective, and perfectly timed to help everyone recharge before the holiday rush begins. A fall vacation can be the perfect way to reconnect, find balance, and prepare for the upcoming busy season with a renewed sense of connection. So today in the journal, we’re sharing a few tips for how you can plan the ultimate upgraded family fall vacation, filled with nostalgia, relaxation, and quality time.

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Photo by Ashley Streff
Pick a Nostalgic Spot

Fall is notoriously nostalgic, making it the perfect time to revisit a place that holds special memories for your family. Maybe it’s a cabin in the woods where you spent weekends growing up, or a small coastal town that’s quiet and quaint like your favorite relative’s home. Choose a destination that reminds you of simpler times—a place where the pace is slower and you can relax. Returning to a nostalgic spot gives everyone a chance to reflect on old memories while creating new ones. You might recall those family road trips where you all piled into the car, anticipating adventures. Reignite that sense of excitement by heading back to a place that holds sentimental value, but approach it with a fresh, relaxed perspective. For this cozy trip, pack a few long silk robes and cozy outfits to wrap yourself in comfort as you reminisce and relax.

Washable Silk Kiku Kimono Robe
Photo by Ashley Streff
Keep It Low Key

Fall vacations have the advantage of being slower paced. In fact, one of the best things about a fall getaway is that you can keep it low-key. Unlike summer, when everyone feels the pressure to check off sightseeing lists and squeeze in as many activities as possible, fall invites you to slow down. Keep your itinerary flexible and stress-free. Start the day slow with breakfast in your short silky robe, and let the morning unfold naturally without too much planning. Maybe you’ll go for a stroll to take in the crisp autumn air, or maybe you’ll stay in and read a book while sipping hot cider. The beauty of a fall vacation is in its ability to be restorative—there’s no rush, no pressure. This is a time for your family to unwind together. Taking this slower approach helps everyone recharge, from the youngest kids to the adults who might be feeling the pull of holiday preparation.

Silk Keina Kimono Robe

Photo by Stephanie Russo
Do the Things You Used to Do

Sometimes, the best way to reconnect as a family is by revisiting activities that you used to do together. Whether it’s a board game night, a movie marathon, or roasting marshmallows over an outdoor fire, bringing back old traditions can reignite that sense of togetherness. Bring a deck of cards or classic board games that everyone enjoys and settle in for an evening of friendly competition. You might even introduce a new game to the mix, but keeping it simple and familiar can evoke that cozy, comforting feeling. After all, nothing says quality family time like gathering around the kitchen table in your flower silk robes, laughing and reminiscing about past vacations as you build new memories.

Washable Silk Yuri Kimono Robe
Photo by Miranda Taylor De Lay
Make Space for Solo Time

As much as family vacations are about bonding, it’s also important to give everyone a little solo time to recharge. A few moments of quiet reflection can make the vacation feel even more restorative. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a walk, or simply enjoying the peace and quiet, solo time allows everyone to feel re-energized in their own way. Encourage each family member to take time for themselves during the trip. Maybe the kids will explore outside while the adults enjoy some peaceful relaxation time indoors. Pack your favorite long silk robe and gua sha tools for a mini self-care ritual, giving yourself a moment of relaxation with a soothing facial massage or deep breathing exercise. Solo time allows each person to focus on their own needs, making the vacation feel balanced and restorative. When everyone has had a bit of space to breathe, you’ll find that the time you spend together as a family feels even more meaningful.

Silk Kimono Collection
Photo by Miranda Tillinghast
Stay In for Dinner and Lounge

A fall vacation gives you permission to slow down, and that includes letting go of the pressure to cook every meal. After a day of exploring or relaxing, why not keep dinner simple by ordering in? Whether it’s pizza, takeout from a local favorite, or something a little more gourmet, having a casual meal at your rental gives you more time to enjoy each other’s company without the fuss of cooking. Ordering in can also make for a fun, cozy night at “home.” Set the table, pour some drinks, and enjoy a relaxed dinner in your flower silk robe without the extra fanfare of going to a restaurant. Afterward, settle in for a movie night or a round of board games without the need to clean up a big mess. It’s the perfect way to unwind and enjoy the laid-back vibes of a fall vacation.

The fall season offers a chance to slow down and embrace a different kind of family vacation—one that’s less about cramming activities into every moment and more about finding comfort in simple pleasures. By creating space for connection, reflection, and relaxation, you’ll come back from your upgraded family fall vacation feeling refreshed and grounded, ready to tackle whatever the holidays bring. So, pack your long silk robes, grab your gua sha tools, and enjoy the peace that only a fall getaway can offer.

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