You Asked, We Answered


Tips to handle your special handcrafted pieces with utmost care and gentle attention so it can last a lifetime.

Q: How do I keep my kimono robe in pristine condition?

A: Our silk and charmeuse materials are delicate

and should always be handled with care as they are luxury, handcrafted goods. In addition to avoiding rough surfaces, take care to also avoid any pulling or tugging that could cause rips or tears in the material. Do not wring, twist, pull, or otherwise roughly handle the lightweight material. Make sure you’re not holding kimono robes with greasy or oily hands. Depending on the oiliness of the lotion or skincare item, those liquids can seep into the fabric and cause a little stain. Make sure to be aware of this with all of our collections.

Q: How do I wash my kimono robe?

A: Many of our kimono robes can be machine washed in gentle/delicate cycle

Our Charmeuse and Washable Silk Collections are machine washable in cold water with a mild detergent. Only wash our robes in a gentle cycle to avoid any fabric damage. Hang to dry – do not place any of our pieces in the dryer.

Before you put the kimono robe into the washing machine, we recommend placing it into a delicates bag to protect it from rubbing against rough surfaces (such as zippers, buttons) on other clothing items in the same load. Be sure to avoid overstuffing the machine so as to avoid getting your robe tightly pulled or tangled up in other clothing.

*Our Handpainted and Printed Silk Collections should be dry cleaned only, not machine washed.

Q: How do I smooth out the wrinkles and restore shine?

A: Steam is your best friend

After wearing, storing, and laundering, wrinkles are bound to appear in the delicate material. You can release light wrinkles by hanging your kimono robe in the bathroom as you take a hot shower. The steam from your shower will release light wrinkles easily.

To remove heavier wrinkles, you can use a handheld steamer like this one with the attachment for delicates. Make sure you use light steaming and try not to spray water on your Printed and Handpainted Silks to avoid damaging the fabric.

If you've laundered your kimono robe or had your kimono robe dry cleaned and it feels crunchy or has "lost its luster," lightly steaming it will bring back the moisture to the kimono robe; thereby making it softer and restoring its original shine. A light steam is all you need!

Q: There is a thread sticking out of my kimono robe, what should I do?

A: Loose threads can be easily snipped

Due to the handcrafted nature of our production process for all of our collections, loose threads are bound to happen during production. The good news is, they can be easily snipped off without affecting the structure of the kimono robe at all. 

Q: How do I avoid snags on my kimono robe?

A: Avoid rough surfaces

Storing your kimono robe on a hanger and keeping it safe from rough surfaces is going to keep your kimono robe as snag-free as possible. If you're hanging your kimono robe in your closet, be aware of what it is brushing up against. Small buttons, zippers, and other rough surfaces from other clothing, even if they seem insignificant, can easily catch on the delicate fabrics. 

For more details specific to each collection, read more in our Journal.